I wanted to create a web app which would aggregate all IT conferences happening in Poland. I wanted to use webscraping for gathering all the conference data and even wrote one scraper for meetup.com, but I quickly dropped the idea due to my concers regarding the law around copyrights.
I successfully deployed the app to the public cloud and that was basically it. I closed it down as soon as I tested that the whole E2E flow (from the webscraper to the UI) was working fine. It was enough for me to call it a success.
Technical side
- EC2 running docker images of the two backend apps
- S3 hosting a web app for displaying the data
- RDS running Postgres DB for the backend apps
- SQS for communication between the backend apps
- frontend written in React + Typescript, used Semantic UI as the UI framework
- backend written in Java 8 using Spring Boot
- backend architecture: I guess I could say these were microservices
- used Auth0 as the identity provider; integrated it with Spring Security